Foreign Chambers of Commerce sponsor Property Awards

Foreign Chambers of Commerce sponsor Property Awards

Thai homes for sale in Phuket are being given fresh attention by the combined efforts of the Irish-Thai and Swedish-Thai Chambers of Commerce.

Both the Irish and Swedish organisations are sponsoring the 2014 Thai Property Awards (TPA).

The TPA highlight exceptional property developments by setting standards to measure the finest developments in Thailand against each other. A panel of professional and audited judges look for outstanding works of construction, interior design and architecture. The awards have been held in Bangkok since 2005.

The aim of the TPA is to help expose the very best of Thailand’s top quality developers and services to worldwide audiences. Partly in thanks to the TPA, developments in Thailand offer some of the most creative and enthralling projects built by well-known architects and accomplished developers.

According to representatives of the Irish-Thai Chamber of Commerce (ITCC), the most exciting changes in the Thai real estate market have been moves towards improving quality. Increased competition in the condo market has helped to give buyers the kind of design they want with a good overall standard of accommodation. New infrastructure has also been an important contributor to the success of high quality developments.

The ITCC is happy to promote the awards as they help to create a watermark of quality for Thai real estate.

As for the Swedes, according to Peter Bjork, the Executive Director for the Thai-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, Swedes are still deeply involved in the Thai property sector. He said that Swedes are more involved now as niche buyers than developers. Peter went on to say that Swedes continue to be heavily involved in beach resorts and coastal areas and that many Swedish buyers spend more time in Thailand than back home.

The Swedish Chamber publishes a Thai property guide that helps property investors in Thailand. The Swedish Chamber also runs an online property channel to help promote Swedish and foreign investment in Thai real estate markets.

Peter noted that on three occasions Swedes and Swedish related developments have been prize winners, including several developments of homes for sale in Phuket. Peter went on to say that the awards are the only one of its kind in Thailand promoting quality developments. The awards help to demonstrate how important it is for the Thai government to allow foreign development in Thailand.

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