Phuket property market: how to sell apartment quickly

Phuket property market: how to sell apartment quickly

Keeping in mind that learning by other men’s mistakes is more rational, we have tried to make out the most common mistakes that people make selling their apartments and finally they fail in it.

It is a sad fact: Phuket property market is overfilled with such unprofessional advertisings which not only fail to help them market their units but slow down the entire process and even scare away potential buyers. The point is holders suppose it is enough to do a few obtained blurred, grainy, too bright or too dark pictures and their housing will turn to desirable proposal. Moreover, in most cases homes are really great but poor-qualified camera men spoil all positive impression. 

Let us take a closer look at these slips and try avoiding them in the future. 

# 1. Is it a warehouse? Everyone knows that apartment should look clean and tidy. But we will never be tired to say it again: clean and tidy! Obviously dirty and littered with different stuffs rooms cannot make any positive impression, no one will not fall in love with your estate. However, a huge number of well-maintained flats are so encumbered with furniture and home furnishings that potential purchasers simply do not have opportunity to discern advantages of flat behind all this mess. Even if units are sold with furniture, customers want to observe not chairs, tables and bed but to visualize the size of the apartment, to understand how spacious it is. A plenty of interior items clutters up the entire space and always conceal true dimensions, dwelling seems smaller than it is in reality. There is nothing to say about pictures with massive desk, sofa or chest of drawers in the foreground. It does make the photograph in advertising catalogue almost meaningless. Do not forget that your estate is listed in professional real estate web sites. That means not only possible customers will glance over your listing but also their representative agents for whom objective information about apartment is quite essential.

#2. Don’t think every person adores pets. Firstly, not all people love pets in general. Secondly, not everyone loves the same pet as you do. Finally, many humans associate cats and dogs with odors, pet hair. Majority of modern representatives have allergies. The bottom line is pictures with pet will not attract such buyers and you will miss the opportunity to offer even not have started offering.

#3. Trendy jacket - not the best part of the ads. Personal belongings are another typical bloomer. Even if they are expensive, high-quality or favorite things, you should not show them. Expert realtors have such a term as “depersonalization of accommodation”: person who looks at the picture should have a chance to try it for him/herself like clothing. When purchasers notice someone else’s clothes in frame or wile inspecting, it is very difficult to imagine yourself as an owner.

#4. “Falling walls”. Frequently flat in the picture becomes to possess very unfavorable traits, which there are not there in reality. Walls fall down, square corners are transformed into curves, entire room space is distorted beyond recognition. The main reason of such transformation is incorrectly selected angle of shooting. To correct blemish photographers just need to spend a bit more time, to make a series of images experimenting with the angle of inclination of lens, with choice of camera angle and height of camera's location. Even if getting ideal frame is impossible, at least accommodation on photos will stop resembling curves reflected in mirrors.

#5. Photographer as a part of composition of sold apartments. To be more precise, we are talking about reflection in mirror surfaces. This is permissible in art photography, but as for utilitarian genre, ads, it is unacceptable. First of all, property listing should provide buyers with necessary information: condition, decoration, views from windows, and so on. The list of these significant points surely does not include the look of photographer. In the end, his reflection will simply detract from the assessment of apartment merits.

It is clear that we have named not all bloomers taken place while selling home. Some of them just could not be combined within one shot, others are less common or do not affect perception of buyer in a strong way. Nevertheless, according to Phuket property market experts, if you learn to avoid at least these blunders, ads will look much more presentable.

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