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Thailand’s New Investment Immigration Policy Attracting Fresh Investors

Thailand’s New Investment Immigration Policy Attracting Fresh Investors

Invest 10 Million Baht and be eligible to apply for a visa that is renewable every year and tap into the tropical lifestyle permanently.

Filling the Visa Gap with More Good-Times on the Beach

In order to fill a gap in the visa system Thailand has created a new kind of visa that falls under the investment immigration area. This visa allows anyone who has invested THB10 million or more to apply for a one year’s visa that can be renewed indefinitely every year. The visa can be renewed providing the requirements of the visa can be met. So long as you still own or lease the property you invested in you can easily work around bureaucratic visa procedures. Now you can be free to come and go and stay as long as you like.

Previously if you were under 50 years of age and did not fit into the other visa categories like employment or marriage, there were no realistic long term options to stay in the country. Thanks to the growing amount of young and wealthy people wishing to stay long term in Thailand, all kinds of investors can now stay long-term without owning a business.

A Simple and Sensible Investment

Ten Million’s worth of Thai Baht will afford you a distinctive property in Phuket or the surrounding area. A distinctive property in the right location makes good investment sense.

Phuket naturally finds itself in just the right place due to its proximity to other major business hubs in the region like Hong Kong, Bangkok, Australia and China. This is perhaps the main reason coupled with Phuket’s fantastic beaches why Phuket has become the leading luxury destination in South East Asia.

Phuket lets You Stay Connected in Business

Doing business in Phuket is a more relaxed affair. This helps to clear your head and get valuable work done before returning to the faster paced business environments elsewhere. Phuket has plenty of modern infrastructure facilities to allow people to get work done whilst being charged with energy by Phuket’s famous atmosphere.

The Nuts and Bolts of it All

To apply for a one year renewable visa the investor will:

Have been granted a non-immigrant visa.

Show evidence of moving funds into Thailand of no less than THB10 Million.

Have evidence of investing in the rental or purchase of a condo unit for a period of no less than 3 years issued by a relevant agency or government.

You can have several different approved types of investment totalling a minimum of THB10 Million to qualify.

Your future in Phuket can be a rewardingly-luxurious one and you can stay long term more easily.

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