How to buy condo in Phuket: useful tips

How to buy condo in Phuket: useful tips

Everyone who has such an opportunity desires to buy condo in Phuket. But choosing a recurrent off-plan apartment we don’t guess that at the moment we are setting standards, which developers, banks, real estate agencies will use and work with further.

Today let’s talk how to buy condo in Phuket without maleficent consequences. Below there are three most important points should be kept in mind while buying your new apartment. 


The most significant thing is to determine how loud your future neighbors are. If you have a boring life and measured, it may be worthwhile to choose housing with thin walls. The easiest way is to come to the site, take a family member, friend, spouse or any stranger from the street, to ask the sales person to show two adjacent condos and try to shout something to each other being in different units. If your friend or partner can clearly hear your words, then think twice before choosing that condo. Sometimes in this case landlords advise to cover the wall with a carpet and the strong audibility will be reduced. We can understand them – they just wish to sell their uncomplicated apartments. 

External examination

First of all, you need to examine condo carefully. If it is a construction, then you’d better make clear the following things: who works, how it works, the condition of the area that is adjacent to the new building. If you see signs of neglect, broken taps, lack of people, trash, damaged building materials, this should be the first signal to the fact to become more cautious and investigate the condition of the developer and the construction site more thoroughly.

Next, pay attention to the front. It is extremely momentous to take a look at the quality of finishing, as well as at the efficiency and quality of elevators, garbage, fire ladders, staircases, attic, basements.

It is worth attending to:

Splits on the corners, stairs, decorative elements.

Cracked plaster, masonry or concrete panels.

Untidy painted walls, pipes, rails.

Elevators, glasses, frames scratches.

If there are too many defects, it indicates developer job not only in the communal areas but also in residential ones.

Internal inspection

If you are at this stage, it means all previous stages have satisfied you enough. Try to visit the units in the morning or in the afternoon as this will help you to choose condos of high quality. The human eye can see worse in the dusk and you may miss shortcomings.

At first, we examine unit shell. It will help to identify defects in building constructions. By means of roulette measure the height of the ceiling. It should be the same numbers the developer has noted in the official documents. You also need to measure wall thickness (exterior and interior). Then check walls, ceiling and floor surface. By dint of plumb line check the right angle between walls and floor, between walls and ceiling. You have to understand that not all rooms have a rectangular or square shape in the apartment. Check tightness of mounting joints. If there are gaps, stains, cracks - it can cause penetration of moisture and insects into flat. Then move on to the engineering systems providing our future comfortable existence. Power supply can be checked by means of a cartridge with a bulb. Test the socket bases via electronic devices or gadgets you’ve brought with you.

Water-supply is a very consequential engineering system. Control pipes state, there mustn’t be any smudges and stains. Examine pressure and temperature of the water. The pressure should be stable, and temperature should not be changed. This applies particularly to the top and lower floors.

Construction elements are to be checked as well. Unfortunately most of developers set temporal options of front door considering buyers will replace it soon. As for windows, they are harder to re-install but their quality leaves a lot to be desired. 

All these practical secrets of how to choose a high-quality condo are very useful to use sorting out your future dwelling. Check all the details of potential property attentively, do not hesitate to ask questions as much as possible and do as much researches as possible. If there is an opportunity to invite a technical expert to conduct an independent examination, then it will save your money and nerves.

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